This give-away is now closed. Thank you for for stopping by.
TODAY is my one-year “BLOGIVERSARY”! My first post was made on July 21st, 2010. I can hardly believe it’s been a whole year since that first nervous post. I worried that no one would be interested in reading what I had to say about gardening and quilting or whether I would be able to come up with new things to write about. Back then my goal was to write at least once a month and while sometimes I’ve exceeded that goal, there have been some dry spells too but what I feared most—running out of topics—hasn’t happened and I still have lots of ideas and information that I hope to share with you in the future.
Up until last July I had only ever followed ONE blog myself, knew very little about blogging and struggled with the mechanics of adding pictures and “gadgets”—what were those? I’ve learned so much from my fellow bloggers and I have been lead to some wonderful blogs that I follow and even have followers of my own.
My last give-away was several months ago when I celebrated my 50th post by giving away a stack of fat quarters. This time, I’ve decided to give away something garden-related. So I’m offering a wonderful book called “Month By Month Gardening in New England” written by Jacqueline Heriteau and Holly Hunter Stonehill.
This 383 page paperback book is packed full of suggestions for each month as well as sections called “Did You Know” which feature hints and projects. It includes eleven plant categories from annuals to water and bog plants, charts and lists for trees, shrubs, companion
plants, summer bulbs, fall bulbs, tips for drying herbs and flowers, thinning vegetables, how to deal with bugs, prune roses, lawn care and maintenanc, organic alternatives, how to stake perennials properly, the language of flowers and what they mean…..and on and on. 
Don’t be deterred from entering just because this wonderful book targets New England---the information inside is relative to any area of the country, because it’s written in almanac style. For instance, when I’m reading the planning ideas for March, you may be reading the planning ideas for April or May if you happen to live in the mid-Atlantic or southern half of the US.
Oh, and did I mention there will also be a surprise included with the give-away? The “surprise” will be disclosed once the winner has been chosen by random number drawing. Here’s a hint….think hot, hot, hot just like the temps around the country this week!
So to enter the drawing, leave a comment about what is in bloom in your garden right now. If you don’t have a garden you can still leave a comment telling me what summer sewing or craft project you’re working on.
This give-away will last till Thursday, July 28th at 7PM. Winner will be announced then. Good luck!