Thursday, August 12, 2010


I know it's late, but I just couldn't wait to share my afternoon at "Images 2010" with you. Talk about sensory overload! I doubt I could get all the pictures in this one blog so I'll be posting more over the next few days but suffice it to say that after seeing some of these gorgeous quilts, I'm starting to question my right as a quilter to take up space on the planet! Good thing I have a green thumb.

There certainly was a good representation of beautiful Baltimore-style applique quilts. I zeroed in on "Cape Cod Baltimore" by Alison Lescher because it featured a lot of familiar motifs from one of my favorite places. Also on display was a wonderful selection of the NEQM's antique blue and white quilts! My very favorite was an antique Hawaiian Applique Quilt from 1920.

I'm not normally a big fan of wall quilts but this quilt by Lenore Crawford of Midland, MI was captivating and received a lot of attention from the public as well as the judges. Standing in front of it was like having a "looking glass" experience. You felt like you could almost step into the picture and ride off on one of the bicycles. It was deservedly awarded two ribbons: a blue ribbon for first place in it's category and a green ribbon for overall exemplary design. Machine quilted, fabric fused, and fabric painted it was created from a photograph taken by the artist in the south of France. Amazing!

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